Our founder started two distinct organizations to address two distinct issues within the MS community:

Research needs & Patient needs

The Willison Foundation: Research Needs

The Willison Foundation, started in February 2021, is research-centered organization designed to, “redefine our approach to multiple sclerosis research and treatment development,” by addressing systemic homeostatic dysregulation that occurs in the condition. The treatment the founder developed and tested, which she calls, “modified ketogenics” and “The MS Diet” has been shown in research to act on the hallmarks of MS. The Willison Foundation’s motto is, “Learn the Cause, Study the Cure.” The name “Willison” was formed as a combination of the founder’s last name (Willis) and the founder’s best friend with MS’s last name (Wilson). The Willison Foundation does investigative health research for clients with ongoing complex conditions and applies integrative and functional medicine principles using the systemic approach to treatment.

The Global MS Society: Patient Needs

The Global MS Society, formed in June 2021, is a patient-centered organization designed to meet the unmet needs of the MS community, including both patients and their caretakers who are affected by the condition. The Global MS Society has two mottos, “Meeting Unmet Needs of the MS Community,” and, “Find Them and Help Them, Wherever They Are” The Global MS Society is building a global support network to achieve these goals and supports research centered on learning the cause of MS.