Current Needs of the MS Community

We’ve posted just a few of the current needs that our friends with MS have reported to us recently. With our growing network, we try to find other organizations out there to that are able to meet these needs and point people in the right direction, but these are some unmet needs we are not aware of any available funding.

If you read through the needs and find something you want to volunteer to help with, let us know. Otherwise, please consider donating to help fund these needs and share this information with your network. We are a brand new organization just starting out and for now, we rely completely on donations to help meet the unmet needs of the MS community.

If you are an organization or agency interested in funding the Global MS Society, please contact us. If you can connect us with someone who may be able to help us get started with funding, please pass our information along.

We’re beginning to organize fundraisers for these needs and our first annual event Dance4MS is coming up on January 21st! We also just started a GoFundMe page and will begin the campaign in January. We will be posting this list of current needs there so please share it on your social media to help raise awareness that there are friends with MS who need help.

Thank you for your support! Your contributions will go a long way to help the MS community.

“I have heat and cold intolerance from the MS. In the summer, I can’t go camping with my family or do anything outside anymore because the heat sets off my symptoms. If I had a cooling vest, it might help but my insurance doesn’t cover it and we can’t buy one because we struggle financially because of living with long-term disability.”

-Jamie W., living with MS for 18 years

“We had to install a walk-in tub for my wife because she can no longer get in and out of the tub. Cost us almost $5,000. Even though we had to do it because of her MS the insurance wouldn’t cover it. The Global MS Society wants to refund us for this.”

John W., Patient Caretaker

“I have read that certain supplements like B-vitamins and probiotics can help ease my MS symptoms, but I can’t afford them, and my doctor says he can’t prescribe them. Can you please help?”

-Jessie P., living with MS for 5 years

“We need a new roof. Moved here 10 years ago and have needed one for bout 6 of them. Keep trying to save up for it but still can’t afford it. My wife works full time and I have MS, and her incomes barely enough to pay bills. This inflation is crazy and sometimes we don’t pay our bills cuz we need to eat. We’re both veterans. Both have health issues. So do the kids. Only got a 80% disabled and the VA said can’t help with the roof. Told me if I was 100% they could help but oh well. Mildews in the garage because it needs a roof too but we can’t do it or figure out how to. Can’t take a loan. Heard the Global MS Societys trying to help us with MS with things like this so I figured I’d talk about it. Can’t hurt anyhow.”

-George L. MS for 15 years

“I used to use supplements to control the MS and it really helped but my husband lost his job during the pandemic and now we can’t afford it. I’m back to having random symptoms from the MS again and things are starting to build up with me being down more than up and productive. If you could help me pay for supplements so I can get back to remission, I’d be so grateful. Costs me $300-400 per month to keep the MS beast under control with supplements and food but it really does work when you stick to it. Thanks.”

Linda S., living w/MS x 11 years

“I have awful bad cognitive problems from the MS and just can’t seem to get organized. My room is filled with mounds of clothes and I don’t know what to do. I try to go through it but just can’t seem to decide how to by myself. I need someone to come and help me go through stuff, help me decide what I want to keep, and help me organize things. I can’t lift heavy things so I also need someone to take stuff away that I want to get rid of. It’s embarrassing to ask for help with something that seems so simple but I’ve had anxiety over it for years and it’s a huge burden because before MS I was super organized and now I’m a mess. I’m so overwhelmed by it sometimes I can’t get anything else done. Please help.”

-Anna P. (living with RRMS for 25 years)

“I’ve always wondered if we are what we eat. I’d like to learn more about this. Haven’t tried to do it naturally because I don’t know how but I can’t stand these side effects of injections. I actually get ‘green’ for a few days after getting the infusion and am so sick I can’t do anything. Not sure if it even helps me have less relapses. Makes me wonder. Looking forward to learning more.”

Carl F. - have MS for 5 years

“I’m interested in using both the infusions and diet to help my MS. Are there any studies doing that where I can participate? I do have a couple friends who use both and they seem to be doing better than me. Maybe I’m not on the right med, or maybe paying attention to diet would help. I would like to know. Are you going to do any studies on this? I’d like to participate if I can. Thanks.”

Kamie H. - living with MS for 6 years

“She’s helped me so much over the years of living with MS and when I stick to what she recommends, it works. It’s when I get lazy and splurge for too long that the symptoms start creeping up again. I can’t wait for them to develop a medicine that works like that because it’s hard to keep up with only using diet to manage things. I do need help with food and supplements in my home because I don’t have anyone to help me keep up with it.”

-Christina M. -living with MS for 18 years