“Find Them and Help Them, Wherever They Are” “To learn the cause is to study it’s cure”	 -Jenny MKRW Willis (founder, Global MS Society)

Mission Statement

As the etiological driver of MS remains elusive, the Global MS Society supports endeavors that might bring to light what causes multiple sclerosis (MS) because this can ultimately lead to understanding its cure.  With the global MS population approaching 2.8 million, the number of struggling individuals, affected families and caretakers also increases due to lack of definitive management strategies, continual support, and current single-target therapeutics.  For those currently or potentially affected by MS, the Global MS Society will establish and maintain a global network of support that focuses primarily on disease management and prevention strategies, and provides needed services to people suffering from MS, their families, and their caretakers.  Services and support are defined as any treatment and/or therapy that might enable them to live a better quality of life, including but not limited to services not covered by insurance providers, financial support for treatments, medications, nutritional support, dietary supplements, personalized in-home care, physical therapies, home modifications and assistive tools and devices.  To drive progress towards finding the cause, the Global MS Society will fund research geared towards elucidating mechanistic pathways of the complex systemic interactions at play in MS pathophysiology, which also entails developing treatments that are both more tolerable to the patient and more effective at stopping disease progression and severity, remyelinating brain lesions and reversing the disease process.  The Global MS Society will also serve to educate people on the disease, current research, and treatment options that are geared towards getting to the heart of MS.  We exist to get people affected by MS the help they need to live a better quality of life until the cause and cure are unveiled.  Together, we will figure this out!

—The Global MS Society

  • Our team of professional linguists is working hard translating our Mission Statement into different languages. Some of them are available for you to view. If you would like to volunteer to translate for the Global MS Society, contact us! We are actively seeking volunteers to help with several positions.